How a driveway alarm can help your business

How a driveway alarm can help your business

Although overall crime continues to decrease in the United States, property crime is still much more common than other types. For this reason, security systems, including camera-incorporated doorbells, continue to rise in popularity in the United States.

But security systems have their limitations, in part because they are designed to detect illicit activity. For businesses that want to be aware of frequently arriving customers, a driveway alarm system may be a better alternative.

Here are some ways a driveway alarm can be beneficial to your business.

Although overall crime continues to decrease in the United States, property crime is still much more common than other types. For this reason, security systems, including camera-incorporated doorbells, continue to rise in popularity in the United States.

But security systems have their limitations, in part because they are designed to detect illicit activity. For businesses that want to be aware of frequently arriving customers, a driveway alarm system may be a better alternative.

Here are some ways a driveway alarm can be beneficial to your business.

Driveway Alarms Are Convenient

A driveway alarm serves as a “doorbell” to your property. It can let you know that a motorist has arrived at your business’s drive-through or that a delivery driver has pulled into the parking lot.

As opposed to a text or other alert on your phone, the sound aspect of driveway alarms means you can be doing something else and still receive alerts. This can be particularly useful for busy work environments.

You can install driveway alarms anywhere on your property, not just a drive-through lane. For instance, you might place them at the entryway to a parking lot, to notify you when customers arrive.

A Driveway Alarm Deters Crime

Even simple bells or chimes can be a huge deterrent to crime. It lets anyone coming onto your property know that someone is aware of their presence.

While security systems monitor activity inside or in the immediate parameter of the building, they may not go as far as to surveil your driveway, parking lot, or other areas where cars can be vulnerable to a break-in. Driveway alarms can bridge this gap. And you can sync many of them with existing alarm systems.

There Are Many Options to Choose From

There are three main types of driveway alarm systems: rubber hose, infrared, and magnetic probe. The rubber hose model is the simplest. When pressure is applied to it, it triggers a chime or bell. These are the most economical option and could be a good choice if you only need to know if a vehicle has crossed into a specific space.

Infrared units sense heat or motion. They are great for detecting both vehicles and people but can be prone to false alarms, such as from pets or small animals. However, you can adjust the sensitivity of these systems to limit the likelihood of false alarms.

A big advantage of infrared systems is that they can pick up any movement. Also, you can configure them at almost any angle. And the sensors can also work across long distances. This can be useful for businesses that want to monitor people entering a particular area, such as outdoor pools.

Magnetic probe alarms detect moving metal. They are very durable, and you can bury them underground to conceal their presence. These are great for situations where you want to detect vehicles but not an animal or person.

With most systems, you have the option of wired or wireless. Wireless systems are necessary for situations where the alarm is a great distance from the sensors.

Driveway Alarms Are Affordable

Unlike many elaborate security systems, driveway alarms are generally very affordable. Single-sensor systems can be as little as $100. And, with many basic systems, there are no monthly monitoring fees.

Upgrade Your Business Today

A driveway alarm can be a simple and inexpensive solution to better monitoring activity at your business. It can provide a seamless alert that can give you peace of mind and elevate customer service.

We offer a variety of products so that you can better determine which one is right for you. Learn more about the range of options available to fit your business's monitoring needs.


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